
Professional Development Workshop and Conference Application

Thank you for your interest in participating in the professional development offered by our project. We are providing this opportunity for Regional Networks affiliated with the project to send faculty and administrators to a workshop on implementing the Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core and then to the HI-TEC conference. Note: all activities are conducted in person.

By submitting this application, you commit to:

  • Attend at the HI-TEC conference in Salt Lake City, July 26-28, 2022 (Travel and lodging reimbursement and conference registration provided)
  • Participate in the preconference workshop, 8:30-Noon, July 26
  • Pilot two Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core instructional cards in any of your advanced technology classes ($500 stipend)
  • Participate in two feedback webinars
PD Workshop and Conference Application
In which of these advanced technologies do you teach?