Episode 33: Technicians Enabling the Cloud

Aaron Osmond, US Lead – Education to Workforce Team, Amazon Web Services

November | 20:11
Episode 33 TranscriptShow Notes, and Podcast Feedback Survey

In episode 33 Mike and guest Aaron Osmond explore the cloud from an industry and workforce perspective. They discuss the need to increase the pipeline of technicians going into cloud technology and how emerging technologies are expanding the range of skills needed by technicians working in the cloud space. With the increasing demand for skilled technicians hear how companies like AWS Cloud services are partnering with higher education institutions and workforce agencies to integrate cloud education into existing programs.

[W]hat I see happening is a stronger partnership between education and industry, where industry is providing more resources, tools, educational materials, and professional development, for the education system to stay current. And the need for education to spend more time in regular interaction with industry. And enabling work-based learning opportunities that keep industry in the classroom with them.   – Aaron Osmond

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